Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Kids & Essential Oils

So, many wonder about using essential oils on kids.  Can you? The answer is Yes! Many essential oils are appropriate for use on children but should be diluted with a carrier oil prior to use. VERY diluted. Essential oils are very concentrated and a 30:1 dilution is good to start off with.  As the kids get older, that ratio can change.  For may want a dilution that is even higher than that...more like 50:1. Some Young Living products come pre-diluted with carrier oil, as indicated on product labels, and are intended for direct application on children. SleepyIze™, RutaVaLa™, Gentle Baby™, and Peace & Calming®.  They are all perfect for your children!  

Let's say that your child is struggling with allergies.  Here is a Night-time Allergy blend that you can make yourself.  Use when they are coughing, have runny eyes or trouble with their sinuses.  Even those little sniffles would benefit from this!  This blend is great for children age five and older.  For children younger than five you'll want to diffuse the essential oils instead of using the blend below.

You'll need a 2oz PET plastic container for this blend.  You could use glass as well but if you're keeping the blend in their room, you may want the plastic for safety.  PET plastic is rated to be safe used with essential oils.

Kid Allergy Blend for Night-time

  • Aloe Vera Gel - full almost to top of 2 oz PET  flip top plastic or glass container 
  • Add Essential Oils
    • 4 drops - Northern Lights Black Spruce Young Living Essential Oil
    • 4 drops - Lavender Young Living Essential Oil - good for respiratory system
    • 4 drops - Cedarwood Young Living Essential Oil  
  • Shake before each use.

Aloe Vera Gel is normally refrigerated but this blend is okay out in the room temperature.  
You'll want to make it fresh every few months.  

Hope you have enjoyed this little blend for kids!