Showing posts with label Thieves Household Cleaner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thieves Household Cleaner. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2019

Great toxin free sink cleaner!

Thank you to Elizabeth Bailey who shares this!
Does anyone else, start cleaning dishes and think about how dirty your sink might be? Umm, I do!! If you’re like me, I have the recipe for you!
Sink Cleaner
Baking Soda
Thieves Cleaner
First, I take baking soda and sprinkle it all over my sink. Next I mix one capful of thieves cleaner with 4 cups of vinegar. I like to put this in a spray bottle and give it a good shake. I then spray the sink down and let it sit. After about five minutes, I scrub the sink and rinse it with warm water.
I love using this at least once a week. It leaves my sink shiny and grease free. The first time I did this, I could not believe how dirty my sponge was.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Spot cleaner to go!

This genius idea is for all of you who are food klutzes like me!  How many times have you been out to lunch with friends or family when you go to take a bite and end up wearing the evidence on your shirt the whole rest of the day? Too many to count here! This DIY Thieves cleaner stain stick is super easy to whip up and carry in your purse for just when you seem to be as messy as me!
Fill a 10ml roller ball bottle half way with Thieves Household Cleaner then the rest with purified water. That
's it, so simple and so great to have on hand!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Shower Scrub

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The shower can be troublesome to clean sometimes.  Here is a great solution for you.  The refillable scrub brush is the jewel in this recipe!

2 tablespoons Thieves dish soap
3 capfuls of Thieves cleaner 
Water to fill

Add above ingredients to a refillable scrub brush and keep it in your shower. A few times a week wipe down the shower walls and tub with this solution and rinse clean. So simple and quick! and the bonus?  It is non toxic and safe to use while you’re in the shower getting clean too!

Thieves for the win!

If you are interested in either of these amazing products, please contact us.  We put in orders monthly and would love to have you clean your home with something that is non-toxic!

Special Thanks to Aubrey Johnson for this great recipe in The Mix.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Say No to Moldy Pumpkins!

Here is a great way to keep your pumpkin perfect!

You know the drill..........You search for the perfect pumpkin (and spend two hours doing it if you have kids), you carve it to perfection and display it on the porch only to find that it is full of fuzzy mold or black mold within a week.

Well, there is a way you can avoid the mold and save your creation from becoming trash!!

1.  Pick your pumpkin and carve it just like normal.  Sorry, I can't do anything about the two hours it takes you kids to find the perfect one.

2.  Make a spray with Thieves Essential oil or Thieves Household cleaner and spray the inside of your pumpkin making sure you get all cut surfaces.

That's it!  Your pumpkin will stay beautiful and it was such an easy fix!!

Search the blog and you'll find all kinds of great things Thieves can do!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Join our Challenge!

Spring is literally days away...Are you ready for SPRING CLEANING!!?!  

Jump start your cleaning with a special challenge!  Join us for the 30 Days of Thieves Spring Cleaning Challenge!

Everyday in April, in a Facebook group called "30 days of Spring Cleaning with Thieves Cleaner", we will post a cleaning recipe, tip or trick to help you get your home ready for summer using Thieves Household Cleaner.  And yes, Thieves Cleaner has THAT many uses and more!

Are you with me?
#1 - Tell us you want to be added to the Facebook group by commenting below or contacting us through Facebook.
#2 - Make sure you have Thieves Concentrated Household Cleaner to participate.
#3 - Get ready to have fun cleaning!

  • If you are already a Young Living member, make sure you order or have Thieves Cleaner in your hands by April 1st.
  • If you are NOT a Young Living member, make sure you order the Cleaner from Leah or Ann before the 19th of March (Monday) to have it in time for the challenge.  We can give you a discount off the retail price too!

Cost:  Discounted price is $24.75 plus tax and shipping for the 14oz bottle.   If you are local, Ann or Leah will cover the shipping cost and there is no tax in Oregon.

Facts about Thieves:
NO toxic chemicals, plant based
Safe around animals and kids
Safe on all surfaces
It's super concentrated and just one capful makes a whole bottle of cleaner.  (normal dilution 30:1)
And it smells SO good.

Did you see our post on the Thieves cleaner last week?  Click HERE to see it.  Make sure you do and watch the AWESOME video on Thieves Cleaner.  After hearing the stories, you won't want to use anything else, we don't!.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

It replaces soooo much!

Toxins are all around us.....they are in our cleaners.....and they can cause hormone disruptions.  Think about clean your floors and then you or your children walk barefoot on the freshly cleaned floor.  Yuck!  All those toxins are on your skin and absorbing into your system.

What can you do?  Well......we have an answer for that!  See that little bottle to the left.  That is THE answer.   That bottle may look small (14oz) but it packs a big punch.  Why?  Because the normal dilution is 30:1!  That makes each bottle you make less than $1.

Would you like to learn more about this?  Please listen to
Dr Bob Haggerton talk about toxins in your cleaners and how they disrupt the hormones in your body.   You can start the video at about the 1:30 min mark.

Your kids NEED you to watch this video.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Popular wipes Vs. Thieves Cleaner

The kids are going back to school and not only are the schools asking for you to donate cleaning items like this (some ask, some don't), but you may be stocking up for yourself as well.  We all want the surfaces our kids come in contact with to be free from germs and these wipes seem to make this job easy.  We feel like we have done a good job and protecting our kids from getting sick.....except for one thing.....we probably aren't!!

There has been a LOT of marketing for disinfecting products but the data supporting their effectiveness isn't there.  Even the FDA (Food & Drop Administration) admits that "there is no evidence that cleaning with disinfectants is any better at preventing illness than cleaning with regular soap and water"

The other problem is that many of the popular products contain some pretty harsh chemicals that can cause side effects like skin and eye irritation as well as asthma like symptoms.  Have you ever read the back of the packaging of the wipes?  You should!!  In the fine print you will frequently find the recommendation to "wash your hands immediately after use!"  Well, that takes some of the convenience away from the wipe doesn't it.  Then there are other instructions that say if you want to really disinfect, you should use enough product to make the surface stay wet for FOUR minutes!  What?  Really?  Later on in the instructions it tells you that you should wash the surface with potable water after you have used the wipe if you are going to be putting food on that surface.  Suddenly, they aren't as convenient as you thought.

Then there are the chemicals commonly found in wipes.......some are called quatemary ammonium compounds ("quats") which are problematic.  They cause skin irritants, they can irritate your lungs, and have been linked to asthma and reproductive harm. There are also many preservatives that help to prevent bacteria from growing in the package.  These could include parabens, formaldehyde releasers and others that have been linked with adverse health effect.  The overuse of these ingredients and the promotion of tons of antibacterial products have started to create "superbugs".  THAT is super bad news for all of us.

So........what are you going to do about it?  You want to have clean surfaces for your family and you want it to be convenient too.  WE HAVE THE ANSWER!

Thieves Household Cleaner........made with a proprietary blend of essential oils (Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Clove, Cinnamon, and Lemon) and no chemicals.  You don't have to rinse this off your counters in order to eat either.   Thieves ability to protect you is awesome.  The cleaner is a concentrate.  Only 2 caps makes 16 oz. of spray that you can use on most of the surfaces in your home.  Kitchen counters, Bathroom (everywhere) and more.  We even did our own experiment a while back to test the Thieves blend.  See that yellow spot on the bread in the picture below?  That is Thieves. The black and grey......lots and lots of mold.  This piece of bread was in my dark cabinet for over a month!

So, when it comes to protecting your kids and family, consider Thieves first.  Ask your school who is allowed to use the popular wipes.  Are they being used according to those instructions on the back?  Their way of using the wipes may not even follow the directions.  Then you can go an extra step!  Offer them a spray bottle of Thieves instead!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Let Me Count the Ways

It took me a while but I have finally understood why I really needed it long ago.  Thieves Household Cleaner.  Let me count the ways that I love you!!  AND........if you didn't know about it already, our Oil Club Oil of the month for August is THIEVES!!  If you would like to be a member of our Oil Club it is $5 for the first month and $3 for subsequent months.  An inexpensive way to learn about Essential Oils!!  Try it, you'll like it!!  Comment below and we'll get you set up.  We have a private Facebook page set up for Oil Club members too!