Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Where to apply oils

So, you have some oils now and are wondering how exactly to topically apply them. Just remember that some oils may irritate so start slow and use a carrier oil. If you aren't sure about an oil, do a test patch first on your chest. If your skin is irritated, try using the same oil in a carrier oil (like Coconut oil, jojoba oil or olive oil etc.)

Where to apply oils to your skin

For earaches: apply oil to bottoms of feet, outside of ear, behind ear, along glands (remember absolutely NO oils in the ear canal)
For headaches: bottoms of feet, bridge of nose, temples (remember be careful of your eyes), back of neck, shoulders, behind ears, crown, top of skull
Stress: bottoms of feet, wrists, behind ears, temples, crown
Congestion: bottoms of feet, bridge of nose, brow bone, chest, behind ears
Energy & focus: bottoms of feet, wrists, temples, back of neck, crown
Sleep: bottoms of feet, chest, back of neck, wrists, temples
Cold & flu: bottoms of feet, throat, chest, wrists, behind ears, along glands
Allergies: bottoms of feet, behind ears, bridge of nose, brow bone, along glands, wrists

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